Dr. Anthony E. Kelly is a professor of Educational Psychology at George Mason University, in Fairfax, VA, USA.
He graduated from St. Patrick’s College, Ireland, with a degree in Education in 1979. He then earned three Master’s degrees in the California State University system (in education, psychology, and a special major; 1983/1984), and earned a Doctorate in psychological studies in education, with a doctoral minor in psychology from Stanford University in 1988. He moved to Rutgers University, New Jersey, as an assistant, and then associate professor; then to George Mason University as professor, his current position. He has worked, intermittently, for the US National Science Foundation (NSF), as program director, consultant, and now senior advisor in the Education and Human Resources directorate. He also served as a senior research advisor to the US Department of Education. He was a Fulbright Scholar (2009-2010).
Dr. Kelly specializes in the design of research methodology, and related policy questions. He has numerous publications and conference presentations, has served on a number of editorial boards, and has edited special issues of journals on emerging issues in educational practice and policy. He has obtained funding from the NSF across 10 different projects.
He has research interests in mathematics education, and recent interest in the design and application of the Common Rule in the US, which guides the ethical behavior of researchers toward human subjects. The Common Rule, which is being revised, derives from the ethical principles of the Belmont Report. Of key interest in the revision is the changing landscape of the digital terrain which permeates our lives, and within which we are developing new norms about privacy, autonomy, and citizenship.