Dr. José Celso da Cunha
José Celso da Cunha, Civil engineer graduated from the EE.UFMG-1975; PhD in soil mechanics and structures by the École Centrale de Paris, France, 1985; over 30 years experience teaching in Civil Engineering undergraduate and master's degree - EE.UFMG, (1978-2004), and CEFET-MG, (2004-2012), with an emphasis on concrete structures; researcher and advisor of structural recovery engineering and in the history of the constructions. Author of books: Palace II-A Implosão Velada da Engenharia – Autêntica Editora, BH, Brazil, 1988; The History of Constructions, Volumes I and II, Autêntica Editora, BH, Brazil, 2009; The history of construction, Volumes III and IV, Autêntica Editora, BH, Brazil, 2012