Dr. Vanderley M. John Dr. Eng. (Poli USP 1995), Guest Researcher (KTH 2000) Associate Prof. III, Dep Construction Engineering, Escola Politecnica, University of São Paulo; Brazil Vanderley M. John‘s research interest is focused in ecoeficient solutions for building materials and strategies to improve sustainability of the construction supply chain. REsearch projects includes development of low-binder cement-based, asbestos-free cement based composites, advanced rendering mortar technology, advanced cement-based materials (FGM, biomimetic and self-cleanning), processing of construction and demolition waste and development of streamline LCA-based tools. |
He is a member of Fapesp Engeneering Board since 2010 and CNPq Civil Engineering board (2010-2013). Advises various Brazilian governamental instituions, including Ministry of Cities and Environment, UNEP SBCI and NGOs like WWF. Member of the Board of CBCS - Brazilian Sustainable Construction Council, a think thank dedicated to develop and disseminate sustainable construction, and coordinates the CBCS´s Building Materials Working Group. He is co-author of the book The Challenge of Sustainable Construction (O Desafio da Sustentabilidade na Construção Civil) (Blucher Editora, 2011). For details of his CV CNPq Lattes; Google Scholar Researcher ID; |